The current Corona protection measures in Vienna will probably be in place for longer. As Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) explained, the obligation to wear masks on public transport and the health and care sector provisions will probably remain in place throughout the winter. “It makes sense to maintain certain measures during the colder season,” he said in an interview with APA.
The situation in hospitals is still a very demanding one, he indicated. He said one has to pay attention to vulnerable groups – for example, in hospitals or nursing homes. PCR testing and mandatory FFP2 wear for visitors are still needed there. People who test positive for the coronavirus will not be allowed in. Hospitals will continue to have limited numbers of visitors.
In public transport, the FFP2 mask is also mandatory. This offers a certain level of protection against infection, stressed Ludwig – who praised the Viennese in this regard: “I often travel on public transport and I must say that discipline is still very high, contrary to what is claimed.”
Ludwig assumes that the package of measures will be extended until the end of winter. Because in the cold season, the situation is unlikely to ease significantly. He will continue to consult with his team of experts.
- source: APA/picture:
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